Teatro Cervantes has a capacity of 1,134 seats, divided in the following manner:
- 638 type A - Stalls, and seats and boxes in the First Circle /First Floor
(Patio de butacas, plateas y palcos de primer piso) - 131 type B - Seats and boxes in the Second Circle / Second Floor
(Palcos y butacas de segundo piso) - 217 type C - Seats in the Third Circle / Third Floor (Tercer piso)
- 136 type D - (Numbered) Seats in the Upper Level (The Gallery. Paraíso)
- 12 seats in the Main Box
Located in the First Circle / First Floor (Palco principal. Primer piso)
Due to the theatre’s layout, some of these seats have limited visibility.
Opera productions are subtitled in Spanish to help the audience to better follow and understand the lyrics, however the screen´s location makes it difficult to see them from the seats nearest to the stage. For some ballet productions, visibility decreases in the first few rows of the Stalls.
You can receive more detailed information regarding these inconveniences at the theatre box office and at any information points or other points of sale.
The Teatro Cervantes features architectural improvements and technical equipment (ramps, lift, hearing loop and seat and box numbers in braille) aimed at eliminating physical and communication barriers.